

January 18, 2013

Bitten by a Snake? Bite Back Dead

Sometimes strange things happen between humans and animals. Love one another, or otherwise hate. In fact, as revenge by the snake that bit him, a man in Nepal turned caterpillars bite to death. Newspapers Nepal, Annapurna Post, declared that the man named Mohamed Salmo Miya behind the cobra's bite was due furious and upset after being bitten. "I could just kill the cobra with a stick or other object, but I chose to bite him to death because I was very angry," said the 55-year-old man. Mohamed Salmo Miya lives in a village which...

7 Cave Sites in the World

Cave plays an important role in human history. Since the time of ancient Neanderthals when artists artists to the stories in the Bible are also often involves the existence of the cave. As a natural hole large enough and deep, so in addition to shelter, the cave is also important cultural sites. Such as seven historic caves below: 1. Petra, Yordania Petra cave, as one of the 7 wonders of the world has a very beautiful architecture pattern. Not surprisingly, the location was once...

Cover Book of Human Skin

Strange but true, there is a set in the historical record book by the cover using human skin. It's been practiced around the 17th century until the 19th century. Below are four of the books in question. 1. Garnet A Jesuit dan Konfederasi Nya (1606) The Plotter is a group of Catholic rebels who in 1605 tried to assassinate the Protestant King James I of England, his eldest son. Their plan to blow up the gunpowder during the sessions of the Houses of Parliament. The business, which was then called Gunpowder Plot (Gunpowder Plotter) failed. The...

January 16, 2013

The Boy Whose Friends with Marmots

Examples of intimacy between man and animals shy happen in Austria. Marmot called shyness. Usually when you meet people, they will be lapping the tail and the ring gear as a warning sign not to be approached. If not successful, the marmot would sound like a whistle to notify other members of the colony to escape. Photo: Cater New Agency Not so with Matteo Walch. When guinea pigs saw him, they rushed to his side without hesitation and without fear surrounds the boy. This eight-year-old boy has built a wonderful relationship with a sentient...

January 15, 2013

Abercrombie, Muslim Legendary Photographers on NatGeo

Tom Abercrombie is recognized highly qualified photographers pride National Geographic. As a convert, he became a bridge of peace between the Islamic world and the West. Abercrombie For the uninitiated, the story of his journey to inspire hope about how wonderful the struggle for peace and not hate each other because of differences in race, ethnicity, or religion. Thomas J. Abercrombie, born August 13, 1930 in Stillwater, Minnesota. In this state he grew and began his career as a professional photographer. Initially, when Abercrombie at the...

Tips for Mosquitoes Away

From Discover Magz, we already know that a million mosquitoes can drain human blood. Although very small possibility of someone being attacked mosquitoes that much, still blood-sucking insects is always pissed. Try the steps below : 1. Use the right clothes If you will be outdoors for long periods of time, wear clothing that covers the entire body and light-colored skin. Textured clothing is tightly woven clothing is best to repel mosquitoes. 2. Avoid wearing perfume Mosquitoes are attracted to fragrances such as perfume, so avoid using perfumes...

Million Mosquitoes Can Drain the Blood of Man

Nothing is more pissed when sleeping apart was busy ringing in the ears or the mosquitoes itching in the skin after sucking blood they blindly. Also, if his time comes, plagues of mosquitoes able to deliver to the family with the disease brings: dengue fever, elephantiasis, malaria. Although not end interrupt, it could not hurt us look a little interesting facts about this insect, as quoted from the pages of Discover Magazine. 1. There are about 2,500 species of mosquitoes spread on earth. Most of them active at dawn and dusk, while the rest...