1. Garnet A Jesuit dan Konfederasi Nya (1606)
The Plotter is a group of Catholic rebels who in 1605 tried to assassinate the Protestant King James I of England, his eldest son. Their plan to blow up the gunpowder during the sessions of the Houses of Parliament.
The business, which was then called Gunpowder Plot (Gunpowder Plotter) failed. The rebels captured and executed. One well-known story of rebels is Guy Fawkes. The meat is used after the execution to bind the book. This book has a Latin inscription on the cover, which when translated reads "Reading This is one of the most famous examples of bibliopegy anthropodermic, because many believe that you can see the face of the Father, who always twisted in pain as regret condemned meat."
2. Leeds, Inggris Ledger (1700)
In 2006, the ledger of 300 years was found in Leeds city center, England. Not much is known about this book. Apparently the book also refers to the year 1700, was made during the French Revolution, when anthropodermic bibliopegy gaining in popularity.
If this was made during the French Revolution, this book can stand alongside other documents such as the Human Rights and the 1793 French Constitution which is also believed to have copies bound in human flesh.
3. Judicial Murder Barn (1828)
Red Barn Murder is a heinous murder that occurred in Polstead, Suffolk, England in 1827. This case began when a young woman named Maria Marten has a son, William Corder outside marriage. At the time this case is a violation that can result in the persecution of the parish clerk.
William Corder was killed and later his body was dissected and examined by a medical professional. The framework provides a useful tool to teach at a West Suffolk Hospital. Her skin was tanned by a distinguished surgeon named George Creed and used to bind books written by Creed.
There was writing on a book that explains this issue. It reads something like: "this book is leather binder murderer William Corder. Taken from his tanned in 1828. George Creed Surgeon in Suffolk Hospital".
4. Bibliigrafi James Allen, alias Jonas Pierce, alias James H. York, alias Burley Grove. (1837)
James Allen lived in the early 19th century in Massachusetts. He robbers were eventually caught after trying to rob a man named John A. Fenno on the Massachusetts Turnpike.
Before his death, Allen requested a copy of his memoirs that have been transcribed by prison guards shall be bound in his skin and given to Fenn
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